Jungian and Catholic?

(This bibliography can be supplemented by the one found in St. John of the Cross and Dr. C.G. Jung.)

Arraj, James. (1986) St. John of the Cross and Dr. C.G. Jung. Inner Growth Books.

Arraj, James and Tyra Arraj. (1988) Tracking the Elusive Human, Volume I. Inner Growth Books.

Arraj, James. (1990) Tracking the Elusive Human, Volume II. Inner Growth Books.

Aylward, James. (1962) "Archetype and Natural Law" in The Archetypal Process. Zurich, p. 81-87.

Aziz, Robert. C.G. Jung's Psychology of Religion and Synchronicity. State University of New York Press.

Beesing, Maria, Robert Nogosek, Patrick O'Leary. (1984) The Enneagram. Dimension Press.

Chicago Studies. (Summer 1982) Depth Psychology and Ministry. Articles by Robert Loftus, Thomas Lavin, Thayer Greene, John Harrington, Greg Santos, and John Meany.

Clift, Wallace. (1986) Jung and Christianity. Crossroad.

DiOrio, Ralph, with Donald Gropman. (1981) The Man Beneath the Gift. Morrow.

Doran, Robert. (1981) Psychic Conversion and Theological Foundations. Scholars Press.

Dourley, John. (1984) The Illness That We Are: A Jungian Critique of Christianity. Inner City.
     _____(1987) Love, Celibacy, and the Inner Marriage. Inner City.

Edinger, Edward. (1987) The Christian Archetype: A Jungian Commentary on the Life of Christ. Inner City.

Forster, Genevieve. The World Was Flooded with Light. Univ. Pittsburg Press.

Heisig, James. (1973) "Jung and Theology: A Bibliographical Essay" in Spring.

von der Heydt, Vera. (1977) "The Treatment of Catholic Patients" in The Journal of Analytical Psychology, p. 72-80.

Hostie, Raymond. (1957) Religion and the Psychology of Jung. Sheed and Ward.

John of the Cross. (1979) The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, ICS Publications.

Jung, C.G. (1961) Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Vintage Books.
     _____(1969) The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, C.W. 8. Princeton University Press.
     _____(1969) Psychology and Religion: West and East, C.W. 11. Princeton Universtiy Press.
     _____(1971) Psychological Types, C.W. 6. Princeton University Press.
    _____Letters, Two Volumes. Princeton University Press.

Kelsey, Morton. (1972) Encounter with God. Bethany Fellowship.

Maritain, Jacques. (1953) Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry. Meridian Books.
     _____(1959) The Degrees of Knowledge. Charles Scribner's Sons.
     _____(1968) The Peasant of the Garonne. Rinehart and Winston.
     _____(1969) On the Grace and Humanity of Jesus. Herder and Herder.
     _____(1984) Notebooks. University of Notre Dame.

Martin, Luther and James Lanham, editors. (1985) Essays on Jung and the Study of Religion. Univ. Press of America.

Meier, C.A. (1971) "Psychological Types and Individuation" in The Analytic Process. G.P. Putnam.

Moore, Robert, ed. (1988) Carl Jung and Christian Spirituality. Paulist Press.

Palmer, Helen. (1988) The Enneagram. Harper and Row.

Porgoff, Ira. (1989) The Cloud of Unknowing. Doubleday.

Rahner, Karl. (1963) Visions and Prophecies. Herder and Herder.
     _____(1979) "Enthusiasm and Grace" in Theological Investigations, V. XV1. Seabury Press.

Ranaghan, Kevin and Dorothy. (1983) Catholic Pentecostals Today. Charismatic Renewal Service.

Ranaghan, Dorothy. (1989) A Closer Look at the Enneagram. Greenlawn Press.

Rapopart, Judith. (1989) The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Washing. Dutton.

Riso, Don. The Theory of the Enneagram.

Roldan, Alexander. (1968) Personality Types and Holiness. Alba House.

Sanford, John. (1988) "The Problem of Evil in Christianity and Analytical Psychology" in Carl Jung and Christian Spirituality. Paulist Press.

Sheldon, William. (1942) The Varities of Human Temperament. Harper.

Simoneauxt Henry. (1956) Spiritual Guidance and the Varieties of Character. Pageant Press.

Spiegelman, J. Marvin, ed. (1988) Catholicism and Jungian Psychology. Falcon Press.

Stein, Murray, ed. (1987) Jung's Challenge to Contemporary Religion. Chiron.

Stein, Murray. (1990) "C.G. Jung, Psychologist and Theologian" in Jung and Christianity in Dialogue. Paulist Press.

Suenens, Leon-Joseph Cardinal. (1987) A Controversial Phenomenon: Resting in the Spirit. Veritas.

Treadway, Scott and Linda. Ayurveda and Immortality. Celestial Arts.

de Voogd, Stephanie. (1977) "C.G. Jung: Psychologist of the future, 'philosopher' of the past" in Spring, Spr. 175-182.

Westman, Heinz. The Springs of Creativity: The Bible and the Creative Process of the Psyche. Chiron.

White, Victor. "St. Thomas Aquinas and Jung's Psychology" in Blackfriars, June, 1944.
     _____Critical Notice on Hostie" in The Journal of Analytical Psychology, 1958, 3, p. 97-101.

Wild, Robert. (1984) The Post Charismatic Experience. Living Flame Press.

Wolf-Salin, Mary. (1986) No Other Light: Points of Convergence in Psychology and Spirituality. Crossroad.

Reading: The Charismatic Movement

Reading: Jung's Forgotten Bridge

