What is The Christian Prayer
and Contemplation Forum?

The Christian Prayer and Contemplation Forum is a network of people seriously interested in the life of prayer and contemplation who share their questions, insights and experiences in order to help each other and to build the foundation for today's renewal of Christian spirituality. Here you will find personal stories of people trying to live out the life of prayer today, and discussions of many of the topics that we believe will be part of the future of Christian spirituality.


Your comments, questions and personal accounts will be used either with your name or anonymously and with discretion. Not all contributions can be posted, but all will be appreciated. You can contact the Forum with your questions and comments without your contribution having the even the possibility of being posted or printed simply by marking it "private communication."

The Forum hears from people across the United States and beyond. And while English is the language of the Forum we welcome responses in Spanish and French as well.


1. Fill out the online membership form and indicate your special interests.

2. Seriously consider writing about your own questions, insights and experiences. Your thoughts and feelings on the Christian life of prayer are the life blood of the Forum. Keep them coming!

3. Be daring and fill out the Prayer Questionnaire.

4. A network will grow only if you help it. Tell your friends who share your interest in the life of prayer about it.

5. A Forum on prayer  needs prayers. Pray for its success and its members.

