How to Contribute Your Comments and Questions

We are genuinely interested in what you have to say about the many topics proposed for discussion, or about the web site in general. Simply e-mail us at:

Norms for contributing:
     1. Be direct and concise.
     2. Deep thoughts are good, but so are feelings and the lessons you have learned from personal experience.
     3. Be kind. There is enough polarization around without us adding to it.
     4. Not every contribution can be used, but all will be appreciated.  Give it a try.
     5. You can sign your contributions and give ways for people to contact you, or leave them anonymous.
     6. If you have a question or comment you don't want to be published, just mark it "Not for publication."
     7. Be sure to tell us what you are commenting about. Give, for example, the name of the discussion area or the number of the back issue of the Forum and the part of the text that you are dealing with.
